Can You Judge a Book by Its Cover?

Loving this. It’s the delicious Book Cover Archive – “an archive of book cover designs and designers, for the purpose of appreciation and categorization”. If you’re on the verge of designing a book cover –here’s your plan::...

QR Code madness

Have you seen this squirly pixel box?by Kimberly A. Hawkins silly box is a QR code (short for Quick Response). Flip through this month’s ELLE magazine and check out all the lil pixel boxes placed within the ads.  Have you seen...

inspire desire

I loved them then, and I love them now. When the Sprouse 4 Vuitton knock-offs first appeared on the street corners –Steven was excited that his fakes sold for $90 ON THE STREET! Some of is friends purchased knock off LV bags and had Sprouse write shit all over...